Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Birthday 60th Mom #2!

After months of indecisiveness and weeks of being holed up in our house I finally emerged with something that I'm proud of. For my Mom #2's (Elli) 60th birthday I was asked (by my father-in-law/Dad #2/Bill ) to create cover art for a book that would be put together from a series of letters written by family and friends from all those years.

My first thought was "man that will be awesome!" My second thought was, "holy crap-olla is that a lot pressure!" I also thought back to a phrase that I was told a long time ago, "...there is no pressure, just opportunities. Make the most of each one." So with that I stared at blank canvas...Okay, that's being a little dramatic, but it did take a while for the ideas to flow.

The theme was "Nurturing through the Years" which was perfect for Elli. She is one of the kindest, most loving, and obviously nurturing people I have ever met. Period. Only topped by of course my mother. Simply put, Eileen Francis Haffey your are amazing. I love you and thank you for the love of my life.